Ein Gedicht auf Englisch, das sich damit befasst, dass man im Leben immer alles einsortieren können möchte, wurde aus bunt gemischten Buchstabenstickern auf Bastelschachteln aus Karton geschrieben. Die Kartonschachteln sind quadratisch, rund und herzförmig. Die Größe der Schachteln wurde nach sinnvoller Textaufteilung ausgewählt. Der Text, welcher in, um und auf die Schachteln geschrieben wurde, ist ebenfalls nicht zufällig sondern dem Inhalt nach sinngemäß verteilt.
Der Besucher muss aufgrund der Textaufteilung seinen Blickwinkel und seinen Standpunkt ändern, um den gesamten Text lesen und folglich den Sinn erfassen zu können.
A poem in English about the fact that all things in life have to fit into some category or box is written onto boxes out of cardboard. The writing is done by putting stickers in shapes of the respective letters in, on and around the boxes. The size of the boxes was chosen according to the length of text and the way the text was written on the box. Also the text is not chosen arbitrarily but fits the way the text is spread on, in or around the boxes.
In order to see and read the whole text, the visitor has to change his/her point of view – like so often in life.
Der Text lautet / the whole text reads:
You're reading stuff a singer wrote on boxes made of paper and eating stuff a cook put into boxes for you later. I had no clue 'bout how to do a proper picture, hence the mixture of material. Don't be afraid this won't become a serial. The boxes are just what you need to put all sorts of stuff in, people you know, thoughts you have or maybe just a muffin.They come in different shapes and size. Do you think you are wise 'cause you've got so many? I don't want to use any but I do just like you. We neatly fold things to make them fit in and if they try to escape that box we begin to use a little pressure, look for another box, talk softly to our treassure, our brain simply blocks the ideal that it might not fit - don't you dare - be the box small and round and the thing large and square.
![]() Poetryboxesmaking of Foto: Gerald Naber | ![]() PoetryboxesThe Art Galery Vienna Foto: Tobias Hildebrandt | ![]() PoetryboxesThe Art Galery Vienna Foto: Tobias Hildebrandt |